Black Earth Wiki

One of the most common, and arguably dangerous, types of Homo Inhumanum is the one classified as the Brute Raider. Brute Raiders are armed with salvaged assault rifles, improvised crude firearms and the odd bazooka here and there. They are clad with crude armour plates stichted together with chains, wire and literally anything they can get their hands on.

Brute Raider Mob-01

Raiders organise in small individual bands and mostly seem to fight for their own immediate gains, whether that is the access to an area with lots of loot or the sheer satisfaction of mindless carnage. At the same time they share all the physical prowess and resiliency of the common Brute which makes them an especially tough opponent.

Brute Raider mobs are antagonistic between them and, lacking an obvious enemy, will turn on each other. However it is interesting that the Brutes show almost a sportsmanlike attitude when fighting amongst themselves as if they adhere to some kind of underlying code of ethics. This code of ethics all but disappears when they fight Humans, turning into a wanton urge to destroy anything that is unlike them. 


1st edition models of the Brute Raiders.
